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Standard Duty
High Capacity


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20 Micron
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Comparing / Choosing Water Filters & Replacement Cartridges

Heavy Duty / High Capacity  -  Whole House / Standard Duty  -  Under Sink & Drinking Water Filters


Whole House - Medium Duty

OB1, OB5, U24, U25, U26, and U30  
(These standard cartridges are 2 1/4" in diameter - What micron rating do I need?)









City or Well Water

City Water

Well Water

City & Well Water

City Water

City & Well Water

City Water

City & Well Water

Well Water

Micron Rating









Price $7.99  $16.99  $5.99 $6.39 $4.99


$3.49 $17.99
Buy Cartridge Buy TO1 Buy TO3

Buy RS2

Buy RS12 Buy RS14

Buy RS1

Buy RS7

Buy RS19

Reduces: Reduces very fine dirt, silt, sediment and rust particles (Class I) Reduces dirt, sand, and rust particles. (Class I) Reduces very fine dirt, silt, sediment and rust particles Reduces dirt, sand and rust particles Reduces dirt, sand and rust particles Rust & Sediment Sediment Reduces sand and stone particles
Odor & Chlorine (Class IV) Odor & Chlorine (Class IV)
Filter type Carbon Wrapped Carbon Wrapped String Wound

Durable string wound

Polyspun Filter

Pleated Cellulose Paper

String wound

Cleanable Reuseable


Reduces chlorine and sediment that can damage clothing, appliances, and cause itchy skin.

Reduces chlorine and sediment that can damage clothing, appliances, and cause itchy skin. The small micron size filters out very small rust
and sediment particles.
String wound cartridges are good at filtering small rust and sediment particles Resistant to chemicals and corrosion Our most affordable Whole House filter cartridge. String wound cartridges are good at filtering small rust and sediment particles The large micron size filters out larger sand and  sediment particles.
Cartridge Life 1 3 mos or 15,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal 3 mos or 5,000 gal 3 mos or 10,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal

80,000 gal

Flow Rate2 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 10 gpm


Whole House - Heavy Duty - High Capacity 

BF7, BF9 and BF35  (These large cartridges are 4 1/2" in diameter - What micron rating do I need?)


RS6 RS15 RS16 RS22 TO6 TO8


Filter type Poly Spun Pleated Polyester Pleated Cellulose Polyester Poly Spun String Wound Carbon Wrapped & Pleated Polyester Radial Flow Carbon Carbon Block Carbon Block
City or Well Water

City & Well Water

City & Well Water

City & Well Water

City & Well Water City & Well Water

City Water (chlorinated)

City & Well Water

City & Well Water City & Well Water
Reduces: Sediment Only Rust & Sediment MORE 
Rust & Sediment
Rust & Sediment Rust & Sediment Sediment Sediment Rust & Sediment
Reduces:     Odor & Chlorine Odor & Chlorine Taste Odor & Chlorine Taste Odor & Chlorine Taste (97.59%) (Class I)
Removes:     Rust Staining Cryptosporidium & Giardia Cysts (99.99%)
Benefits Inexpensive filter for sediment The high micron rating allows for a higher flow rate while still removing rust and sediment from incoming water. The lower micron rating allows for a high flow rate while still removing more rust and sediment from incoming water. The lower micron rating allows for a high flow rate while still removing more  sediment from incoming water. The lower micron rating allows for a high flow rate while still removing more rust and sediment from incoming water. Removes sediment,  chlorine and odors  Reduces chlorine and sediment that can damage clothing, appliances, and cause itchy skin and gives you great tasting water. Removes  chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water.

Removes harmful Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts in drinking water. Also removes chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water.

Cartridge Life 1 6 mos or 30,000 gal 6 mos or 30,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal 6 mos or 30,000 gal 6 mos or 30,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal 9 mos or 50,000 gal 1 month or 3,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal
Flow Rate2 10 gpm 10 gpm 10 gpm 10 gpm 10GPM 5 gpm 10 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm
Micron Rating3 50 30 5 1 5 5 25 5 1.0 (Finest)
Price  $9.99 $18.99 $18.99 $25.99 $30.49 $26.49 $52.99 $72.49 $95.99
Buy Cartridge Buy RS18 Buy RS6 Buy RS15 Buy RS16 Buy RS22 Buy TO6 Buy TO8 Buy RO6 Buy CB6


Under Sink Water Filter 

CBF1, CBF3, OB3, SFM2, TC3, U400, U450, UC2 and USM2
  What micron rating do I need?



CB1, CB1A, CB1B, CB1C   (*Note) CB3, CB3A, CB3B, CB3C   (*Note)
Filter type Activated Carbon Carbon Block Carbon Block
Reduces: Rust & Sediment Rust & Sediment (Class I)
& asbestos 99.99
Rust & Sediment (Class I)
& asbestos 99.99
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine (93%) Odor & Chlorine taste � (97.59%)
Chloramine taste � (96.5%)
Odor & Chlorine taste � (97.59%)
Chloramine taste � (96.5%)
Reduces: Cryptosporidium & Giardia Cysts (99.99%) Cryptosporidium & Giardia Cysts (99.99%)
Reduces:   Lead (98.60%) Mercury (96.50%)
Removes   VOCs (99.60%) - Including Atrazine & Lindane
Benefits Removes chlorine and odors to provide great tasting water. Reduces Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts. Also removes chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water.

Reduces lead, Cryptosporidium cysts, and 34 VOCs at 97% or better. Also removes chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water.

Cartridge Life 1 12 mos or 2,000 gal 12 mos or 1,000 gal 4-6 months or 400 gal
Flow Rate2 1.0 gpm 1.0 gpm .5 gpm
Micron Rating3 20 0.5 0.5

Discounted prices ordering 2 or more

$12.99 each   $21.99 each   $39.99 each  
Buy Cartridge Buy GAC1 Buy CB1 Buy CB3





Comparing / Choosing Water Filters & Replacement Cartridges

Heavy Duty / High Capacity  -  Whole House / Standard Duty  -  Under Sink & Drinking Water Filters


Whole House - Heavy Duty - High Capacity 

BF7, BF9 and BF35  (These large cartridges are 4 1/2" in diameter)





Filter type Carbon Wrapped & Pleated Polyester Carbon Block Radial Flow Carbon Carbon Block Pleated Polyester Poly Spun
Reduces: Rust & Sediment Rust & Sediment Sediment Sediment Rust & Sediment Sediment
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine Odor & Chlorine Taste (97.59%) (Class I) Odor & Chlorine Taste Odor & Chlorine Taste
Removes: Cryptosporidium & Giardia Cysts (99.99%) Rust Staining
Benefits Reduces chlorine and sediment that can damage clothing, appliances, and cause itchy skin.

Removes harmful Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts in drinking water. Also removes chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water.

Removes  chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water. Removes  chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water. The high micron rating allows for a higher flow rate while still removing rust and sediment from incoming water. Inexpensive filter for sediment
Cartridge Life 1 3 mos or 15,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal 1 month or 3,000 gal 3 mos or 30,000 gal 30,000 gal
Flow Rate2 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 10 gpm 10 gpm
Micron Rating3 1 1.0 (Finest) 25 5 30 50
Price QTY 1 at $21.32 each  
QTY 2-5 at $19.39 each
QTY 6+ at $17.46 each 
QTY 1 at $74.33 each  
QTY 2-5 at $67.30 each
QTY 6 + at $59.27 each  
QTY 1 at $41.52 each  
QTY 2-5 at $37.67 each
QTY 6+ at $33.81 each  
QTY 1 at $58.74 each  
QTY 2-5 at $53.16 each
QTY 6+ at $48.59 each 
QTY 1 at $14.39 each  
QTY 2-5 at $13.05 each
QTY 6+ at $11.71 each
QTY 1 at $8.23 each  
QTY 2-5 at $7.62 each
QTY 6+ at $7.44 each 
Buy Cartridge Buy TO6 Buy CB6 Buy TO8 Buy RO6 Buy RS6 Buy RS18


Whole House - Medium Duty

OB1, OB5, U24, U25, U26, and U30  (These standard cartridges are 2 1/4" in diameter)










City or Well Water

City Water

Well Water

City & Well Water

City Water

Well Water

City Water

Well Water

City & Well Water

Well Water

Micron Rating3










Reduces: Rust & Sediment (Class I) Rust & Sediment (Class I) Reduces dirt, sediment and rust particles Rust & Sediment Rust & Sediment Reduces silt, dirt, sand and rust particles Reduces silt, dirt, sand and rust particles Rust & Sediment Rust & Sediment
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine (Class IV) Odor & Chlorine (Class IV)     l  
Filter type Carbon Wrapped Carbon Wrapped String wound Pleated Cellulose Paper String Wound Durable string wound Polyspun Filter String Wound String Wound

Reduces chlorine and sediment that can damage clothing, appliances, and cause itchy skin.

Reduces chlorine and sediment that can damage clothing, appliances, and cause itchy skin. String wound cartridges are good at filtering small rust and sediment particles Our most affordable Whole House filter cartridge. String wound cartridges are good at filtering small rust and sediment particles. String wound cartridges are good at filtering small rust and sediment particles Resistant to chemicals and corrosion Resistant to chemicals and corrosion The small micron size filters out very small rust
and sediment particles.
Cartridge Life 1 3 mos or 15,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal 3 mos or 3,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal 3 mos or 5,000 gal 3 mos or 10,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal 3 mos or 15,000 gal
Flow Rate2 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm 5 gpm
Price QTY 1 at $7.93 each  
QTY 2-5 at $7.04 each
QTY 6+ at $5.99 each 
TO3 Pricing  (QTY 1 is two cartridges in one pack)
QTY 1 at $16.95 each  
QTY 2-5 at $14.99 each
QTY 6+ at $12.99 each  
QTY 1 at $3.12 each  
QTY 2-5 at $2.91 each
QTY 6+ at $2.69 each

QTY 1 at $4.88 each  
QTY 2-5 at $4.13 each
QTY 6+ at $3.79 each 

QTY 1 at $4.48 each  
QTY 2-5 at $3.69 each
QTY 6+ at $3.39 each 
QTY 1 at $2.80 each  
QTY 2-5 at $2.62 each
QTY 6+ at $2.44 each 
QTY 1 at $2.80 each  
QTY 2-5 at $2.62 each
QTY 6+ at $2.44 each 
QTY 1 at $3.31 each  
QTY 2-5 at $3.08 each
QTY 6+ at $2.85 each 
QTY 1 at $3.99 each  
QTY 2-5 at $3.69 each
QTY 6+ at $3.39 each
Buy Cartridge Buy TO1 Buy TO3 Buy RS7

Buy RS1

Buy RS3 Buy RS12 Buy RS14 Buy RS5

Buy RS2



Under Sink Water Filter 

CBF1, CBF3, OB3, SFM2, TC3, U400, U450, and UC2



Filter type Activated Carbon Carbon Block Carbon Block
Reduces: Rust & Sediment Rust & Sediment (Class I)
& asbestos 99.99
Rust & Sediment (Class I)
& asbestos 99.99
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine (93%) Odor & Chlorine taste � (97.59%)
Chloramine taste � (96.5%)
Odor & Chlorine taste � (97.59%)
Chloramine taste � (96.5%)
Reduces: Lead (98.60%) Mercury (96.50%) Lead (98.60%) Mercury (96.50%)
Reduces: Cryptosporidium & Giardia Cysts (99.99%) Cryptosporidium & Giardia Cysts (99.99%)
Removes VOCs (99.60%) - Including Atrazine & Lindane
Benefits Removes chlorine and odors to provide great tasting water. Removes lead, Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts, and 34 VOCs at 97% or better. Also removes chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water. Removes harmful Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts in drinking water. Also removes chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water.
Cartridge Life 1 6 mos or 2,000 gal 6 mos or 1,000 gal 4 mos or 550 gal
Flow Rate2 1.0 gpm 1.0 gpm .5 gpm
Micron Rating3 20 0.5 0.5
Price QTY 1 at $9.99 each  
QTY 2-5 at $8.87 each
QTY 6+ at $7.93 each
QTY 1 at $19.44 each  
QTY 2-5 at $18.50 each
QTY 6+ at $16.55 each  
QTY 1 at $39.94 each  
QTY 2-5 at $37.04 each 
QTY 6+ at $33.15 each 
Buy Cartridge Buy GAC1 Buy CB1 Buy CB3






GAC1 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With SFM2, UC2 or OB3 Under Sink Filters

Model GAC1
Filter type Activated Carbon
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine (93%)
Benefits Removes chlorine and odors to provide great tasting water.
Average Cartridge Life 1 6 mos or 2,000 gal
Flow Rate2 1.0 gpm
Micron Rating3 20
Buy a GAC1 1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni RO2000                                                 Return to previous page

New From Omni - Reverse Osmosis Water Filter

RO2000 Filter Cartridges Features
For Use With  RO2000 Reverse Osmosis Filter

Model RO2000
Filter type Reverse Osmosis
Reduces: Rust & Sediment - TDS (total dissolved solids)
Removes: Odor & Chlorine (99.95%)
Removes: Asbestos (99.19%)
Removes: Lead (96%)
Removes: Mercury (84.4%)
Removes: Cryptosporidium & Giardia Cysts (99.99%)
Removes: Other Items such as Sodium, Mercury, Copper, Barium
Chromium, Cadmium, Floride and Selenium
Benefits Removes chlorine and odors to provide great tasting water as well as removing harmful chemicals and metals
Average Cartridge
 two-micron carbon pre-filter (change every 6 months),
  one-micron carbon block filter (change every 6 months), 
  granular activated carbon post filter (change every 6 months)
Maximum Water
35 degrees to 100 degress F
Maximum Water
125 psi
Maximum Daily
Flow Rate2
16 gpd
Micron Rating 3 0.5 micron for carbon block filter
5 microns for carbon pre-filter
Buy the RO2000

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni CB1                                                             Return to previous page

CB1 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With CBF1, OB3 or SMF2 Under Sink Filters

Model CB1
Filter type Carbon Block
Reduces: Rust & Sediment (Class I) & Asbestosis 99.99%
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine Taste (97.59%)
Removes: Cryptosporidium & Giardia Cysts (99.99%)
Benefits Removes harmful Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts in drinking water. Also removes chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water.
Average Cartridge Life 1 6 mos or 1,000 gal
Flow Rate2 1.0 gpm
Micron Rating3 0.5
Buy a CB1

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni CB3                                                             Return to previous page

CB3 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With CBF3, OT32 or OB3 Under Sink Filters

Model CB3
Filter type Carbon Block
Reduces: Rust & Sediment (Class I)
& asbestos 99.99
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine taste � (97.59%)
Chloramine taste � (96.5%)
Removes: Lead (98.60%) Mercury (96.50%)
Removes: Cryptosporidium & Giardia Cysts (99.99%)
Removes: VOCs (99.60%) - Including Atrazine & Lindane
Benefits Removes lead, Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts, and 34 VOCs at 97% or better. Also removes chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water.
Average Cartridge Life 1 4 mos or 550 gal
Flow Rate2 .5 gpm
Micron Rating 3
Buy a CB3

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni L1                                                                    Return to previous page

L1 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With All Under Sink Filters

Model L1
Filter type Granular activated carbon & phosphate
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Reduces: Lime Stains
Reduces: Chlorine Taste & Odor
Benefits Activated carbon cartridges are good at reducing lime stains caused by hard water & reduces chlorine and odors.
Average Cartridge
3 mos or 1,000 gal
Flow Rate2 1 gpm
Micron Rating3 20
Buy a L1

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.



TO1 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With U25 , OB1, or OB5 Whole House Filters



Filter type Carbon Wrapped
Reduces: Rust & Sediment (Class I)
  Odor & Chlorine (Class IV)
Benefits Reduces chlorine and sediment that can damage clothing, appliances, and cause itchy skin.
Average Cartridge Life 1 3 mos or 15,000 gal
Flow Rate 2 5 gpm
Micron Rating 3 5
Buy a TO1 1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni TO6                                                              Return to previous page

TO6 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With BF7 Whole House Filter

Model TO6
Filter type Carbon Wrapped & Pleated Polyester
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
  Odor & Chlorine
Benefits Reduces chlorine and sediment that can damage clothing, appliances, and cause itchy skin.
Average Cartridge
3 mos or 15,000 gal
Flow Rate2 5 gpm
Micron Rating3 1
Buy a TO6 1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni TO8                                                              Return to previous page

TO8 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With BF7 Whole House Filter

Model TO8
Filter type Radial Flow Carbon
Reduces: Sediment
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine Taste
Benefits Removes  chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water.
Average Cartridge
3 mos or 15,000 gal
Flow Rate2 5 gpm
Micron Rating3 25
Buy a TO8

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

 Omni CB6                                             Return to previous page


CB6 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With BF7 Whole House Filter

Model CB6
Filter type Carbon Block
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine Taste (97.59%) (Class I)
Removes: Cryptosporidium & Giardia Cysts (99.99%)
Benefits Removes harmful Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts in drinking water. Also removes chlorine and odors to give you great tasting water.
Average Cartridge
3 mos or 15,000 gal
Flow Rate2 5 gpm
Micron Rating3 1.0 (Finest)
Buy a CB6

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni RS1                                                             Return to previous page

RS1 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With OB1 or OB5 Whole House Filters

Model RS1
Filter type Pleated Cellulose Paper
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Benefits Our most affordable Whole House filter cartridge.
Average Cartridge
3 mos or 15,000 gal
Flow Rate2 5 gpm
Micron Rating3 20
Buy an RS1

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni RS2                                                             Return to previous page

RS2 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With OB1, OB5 or U25 Whole House Filters
or OT32 Undersink Filter

Model RS2
Filter type String Wound
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Benefits The small micron size filters out very small rust
and sediment particles.
Average Cartridge
3 mos or 15,000 gal
Flow Rate2 5 gpm
Micron Rating3 5 (Finer than RS1)
Buy an RS2

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni RS3                                                             Return to previous page

RS3 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use with OB1, OB3 or U25Whole House Filters

Model RS3
Filter type String Wound
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Benefits String wound cartridges are good at filtering small rust and sediment particles.
Average Cartridge
3 mos or 15,000 gal
Flow Rate2 5 gpm
Micron Rating3 20
Buy an RS3

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni RS4                                                             Return to previous page

RS4 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use with RO2000 Reverse Osmosis System

Model RS4
Filter type Polyspun
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Benefits Resistant to chemicals and corrosion
Average Cartridge
3 mos or 15,000 gal
Flow Rate2 5 gpm
Micron Rating3 5
Buy an RS4

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni RS6                                                             Return to previous page

RS6 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use with  BF7 Whole House Filters

Model RS6
Filter type Pleated Polyester
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Benefits The high micron rating allows for a higher flow rate while still removing rust and sediment from incoming water.
Average Cartridge Life 1 3 mos or 30,000 gal
Flow Rate2 10 gpm
Micron Rating 3 30
Buy an RS6

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni RS7                                                           Return to previous page

RS7 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With All  Whole House Water Filters

Model RS7
Filter type String wound
Reduces: Reduces dirt, sediment and rust particles
Benefits String wound cartridges are good at filtering small rust and sediment particles
Average Cartridge
3 mos or 3,000 gal
Flow Rate2 5 gpm
Micron Rating3 40
Buy an RS7

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni RS12                                                                  Return to previous page

RS12 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With All  Whole House Water Filters

Model RS12
Filter type Durable string wound
Reduces: Reduces silt, dirt, sand and rust particles
Benefits String wound cartridges are good at filtering small rust and sediment particles
Average Cartridge
3 mos or 5,000 gal
Flow Rate2 5 gpm
Micron Rating3 20
Buy an RS12

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni RS14                                                                  Return to previous page

RS14 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With All  Whole House Water Filters

Model RS14
Filter type Polyspun Filter
Reduces: Reduces silt, dirt, sand and rust particles
Benefits Resistant to chemicals and corrosion
Average Cartridge
3 mos or 10,000 gal
Flow Rate2 5 gpm
Micron Rating3 10
Buy an RS14

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.



Faucet Mount/Countertop

How to Choose an OMNI Faucet Mount/Countertop Water Filter

For a low-cost, entry-level water filter, the OMNI F1 Faucet Mount unit will give you great tasting water at the end of your tap. Plus, it takes only minutes to install. 

Omni FRC1                                                             Return to previous page

FRC1 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With F1 Faucet Mount Filter

Model FRC1
Filter type Activated Carbon
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
  Odor & Chlorine
Benefits Reduces chlorine and odors to provide great tasting water. Installs in seconds.
Average Cartridge Life 1 3 mos or 200 gal
Flow Rate2 .75 gpm
Micron Rating 3 50
Buy an FRC1

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.


Water Pitcher Filter

How to Choose an OMNI Water Pitcher Filter

For a filter that not only gives great tasting water but also removes rust, sediment, odors, chlorine and lead, you will want to select the OMNI WP1 water pitcher filter. The WP1 has a low profile and is out of the way and you  can put it in your refrigerator for cold, clean, great tasting water


Omni TOL1                                                             Return to previous page

TOL1 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With WP1 Pitcher

Model TOL1
Filter type Activated Carbon and Alumina
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Removes: Chlorine & Odors - Improves Taste (99%)
Removes: Lead (99%)
Benefits Removes lead, chlorine, and odors to provide safe, great tasting water.
Average Cartridge Life 1 60 days or 35 gal
Buy a TOL1

Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.


Refrigerator/Icemaker Water Filter

How to Choose an OMNI Refrigerator/Icemaker Water Filter

The OMNI R200, or CCF1 Refrigerator/Icemaker filters will make your ice cubes taste great and take that chlorine taste and odor out of your cold drinks. The only difference in the three models is the way they attach to the 1/4" tubing behind your refrigerator. See each product page for details.


Omni R200                                                             Return to previous page

R200 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With R200 Refrigerator/Icemaker Filter

Model R200
Filter type Activated Carbon
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Removes: Odor & Chlorine (92.5%)
Benefits Removes chlorine and odors to provide great tasting water and ice.
Average Cartridge Life 1 1 year or 3,900 gal
Flow Rate2 .50 gpm
Micron Rating 3 15
Buy an R200

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

Omni R400                                                             Return to previous page

R400 Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With R400 Refrigerator/Icemaker Filter

Model R400
Filter type Carbon Block
Reduces: Rust, Sediment & asbestos (99.99%)
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine Taste (97.59%)
Removes: Lead (98.60%) Mercury (96.50%)
Removes: Cryptosporidium & Giardia Cysts (99.99%)
Benefits Removes chlorine and odors to provide great tasting water and ice.
Average Cartridge Life 1 6 mos or 750 gal
Flow Rate2 0.5 gpm
Micron Rating 3 1.0
Buy an R400

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration. For Use On Municipal Water Only.

Omni R500                                                             Return to previous page

R500 Filter Features

Model R500
Filter type Activated Carbon
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine
Benefits Removes chlorine and odors to provide great tasting water and ice.
Average Cartridge Life 1 20,000 gal
Flow Rate2 0.5 gpm
Micron Rating 3 5
Buy an R500 1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration. 

Omni 800R                                                             Return to previous page

800R Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With R800 Refrigerator/Icemaker Filter
For Use with SFM3 Undersink Filter

Model 800R
Filter type Enhanced Carbon Block
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine
Benefits Removes chlorine and odors to provide great tasting water and ice.
Average Cartridge Life 1 2,500 gal
Flow Rate2 0.75 gpm
Micron Rating 3 20
Buy an 800R 1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration. 

Omni 1100R                                                             Return to previous page

1100R Filter Cartridge Features
For Use With R1100 Refrigerator/Icemaker Filter
For Use with CBF2 Undersink Filter

Model 1100R
Filter type Enhanced Carbon Block
Reduces: Rust, Sediment & asbestos (99.99%)
Reduces: Odor & Chlorine Taste (97.59%)
Removes: Lead (98.60%) Mercury (96.50%)
Removes: Cryptosporidium & Giardia Cysts (99.99%)
Removes: Lindane & Atrazine
Benefits Removes chlorine and odors to provide great tasting water and ice.
Average Cartridge Life 1 6 mos or 500 gal
Flow Rate2 0.5 gpm
Micron Rating 3 .5
Buy an 1100R

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration. For Use On Municipal Water Only.



Office Water Cooler Filter

Omni WCF2                                                     Return to previous page

WCF1 Filter Cartridge Features

Model WCF1
Filter type Activated Carbon and Alumina
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Removes: Chlorine & Odors (99%) - Improves Taste
Removes: Lead (99%)
Benefits Removes lead, chlorine, and odors at a fraction of the cost of bottled water.
Average Cartridge Life 1 3 mos or 300 gals
Micron Rating2 30

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.

We're Sorry. This Item Is No Longer Available.











Water Filters
How to Install
Your Water Filter
How to Change
the Cartridge in
Your Water Filter
Paper - Poly - Carbon
What's the Difference?
1 Micron - 10 Micron
20 Micron
What size do I need?
Well Water vs City Water
Water Filter Information

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a Water Filter
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Because of the product�s limited service life and to prevent costly repairs or possible water damage, we strongly recommend that the bottom of all plastic housings be replaced every ten years. If the bottom of your housing has been in use for longer than this period, it should be replaced immediately. Date the bottom of any new or replacement housing to indicate the next recommended replacement date.

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